A copyright can be an original work of authorship including software, mask works, literature, art, music, photographs, videos, documents, etc.
Rights and Permissions
If you have any questions concerning the usage or licensing of Roof Leap copyrighted materials, for example, documents, photographs, video footage, Roof Leap advertisements or other Roof Leap materials, please submit your detailed request in writing. Please be sure to include any surrounding copy or text to the Roof Leap material.
Marketing or advertising requests (which may include promotions/givewaways, sponsorship, product placement and partnership requests) may be submitted as well to the address below.
For use of Roof Leap copyrighted material in third party works e.g., books or publications, please submit your detailed request via mail to the address below and include the following:
- Specific image(s) or material for which you are seeking permission
- Surrounding copy or text to the Roof Leap material you wish to use in your project
- Publisher, if applicable
- Publishing date (and countries), if applicable
- Title, if applicable
- How Roof Leap and its products fit into your project
- Your deadline
If you have any questions concerning the usage or licensing of Roof Leap trademarks, please submit your request to Trademark Permissions at the address below.
Requests may mailed to:
Attn: Legal Department
1840 Airport Exchange Blvd.
Suite 110
Erlanger, KY 41018